They say that if it came in a pill, everyone would lose weight. Unfortunately, most of us understand that real, sustained weight loss takes more than swallowing a few capsules every day. That does not mean, however, that weight loss supplements cannot help support or accelerate your weight loss if they are the right kind.
What Are Supplements for Weight Loss?
The challenge is knowing what supplements are the right ones for you. The health food stores are filled with different types of supplements; supplements designed to accelerate fat burning, supplements designed to curb appetite, supplements designed to block fat or carbohydrate absorption and more. Naturally, all these supplements boast great results, but it’s hard to know who to trust. That’s why you need the proper guidance when it comes to your weight loss.
How Do Supplements With Kohn Medical & Weight Loss Work?
The reason many people do not get the results they are hoping for with supplements is that the supplements they choose are not selected under the guidance of a qualified medical professional. Without the knowledge of the real research and science behind a supplement, there is no way to really know if it is the right one for you or if it can help you in your weight loss journey.
Dr. Kohn has done the research, and, if appropriate, can recommend specific supplements, like Hydrocaps, as part of an overall health and weight loss program that we design. Supplements have helped many of our patients accelerate their weight loss – they may aid you on your journey, too.
What Are Hydrocaps?
In order for the body to function effectively, you need the proper sodium balance. Hydrocaps contain sodium, potassium and a bit of iodine in one, easy-to-swallow capsule to help you get back some of the electrolytes you may lose during weight loss programs.

How Can I Learn More About Supplements in Las Vegas?
The time to experiment with various supplements without any direction is over. Let the caring, knowledgeable professionals at Kohn Medical & Weight Loss guide you through your journey. Contact us for a weight loss consultation and once we have performed our physical examination and discussed your program goals, we can talk about appropriate supplements if you think you might be interested. To get started, call 702-487-6500 or submit the contact online form to schedule your consultation.